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使用 Docusaurus 时遇到错误

· 2 min read


最近想用笔记中的文章搭建一个网站,本来想直接一用一些常见的静态博客框架的,但后来发现笔记使用这些框架,并不能突出作为一个笔记站点的特点,因此,我找到了 Docusaurus

这篇文章主要总结我在使用 Docusaurus 中所遇到的一些 error。


$ docusaurus build
[INFO] [zh-Hans] Creating an optimized production build...
i Compiling Client
i Compiling Server
Client: Compiled successfully in 17.53s
Server: Compiled successfully in 1.01m
[ERROR] Unable to build website for locale zh-Hans.
[ERROR] Error: Docusaurus found broken links!

Please check the pages of your site in the list below, and make sure you don't reference any path that does not exist.
Note: it's possible to ignore broken links with the 'onBrokenLinks' Docusaurus configuration, and let the build pass.

Exhaustive list of all broken links found:

- On source page path = /docs/Note/Technology/RevisionControl/Git/基础操作/首次添加远程库:
-> linking to %5BGitHub%5D( (resolved as: /docs/Note/Technology/RevisionControl/Git/基础操作/%5BGitHub%5D(

at reportMessage (C:\Users\Rainy\Desktop\my-website\node_modules\@docusaurus\utils\lib\jsUtils.js:88:19)

error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

原因是 markdown 文件中的链接引用的路径特殊符号所导致的错误。




[ERROR] Docusaurus server-side rendering could not render static page with path ...
[ERROR] Docusaurus server-side rendering could not render static page with path ...
[ERROR] Docusaurus server-side rendering could not render static page with path ...

Error: Minified React error #62; visit for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.

[ERROR] Unable to build website for locale zh-Hans.

Client █████████████████████████ cache (99%) shutdown IdleFileCachePlugin
resolve build dependencies

Server █████████████████████████ cache (99%) shutdown IdleFileCachePlugin
resolve build dependencies

[ERROR] Error: Failed to compile with errors.
at E:\Github\Note\node_modules\@docusaurus\core\lib\webpack\utils.js:180:24
at E:\Github\Note\node_modules\webpack\lib\MultiCompiler.js:554:14
at processQueueWorker (E:\Github\Note\node_modules\webpack\lib\MultiCompiler.js:491:6)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:78:11)

原因是因为在 Docusaurus 中,由于所有 Markdown 文件都是使用 MDX 解析的,因此在文档中所有 HTML 语法都必须使用 JSX(React)语法。因此,如果需要对文档元素设置内联样式,那么需要遵循 JSX 语法。

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